Dental Crowns & Caps in Hawthorn Woods


Dental crowns and caps are interchangeable terminologies. If substantial damage to the underlying tooth structure has been caused by dental decay, broken fillings, root canals, clenching, or grinding, a dental filling may not be sufficient. Full covering with a dental crown is typically the only method to totally restore the cosmetic appearance and function of this tooth. The good news is that a dental crown has been completed, looks, and feels just like a natural tooth.

Crowns can be used for various purposes other than restoring a single natural tooth, such as supporting the ends of a dental bridge, covering dental implants, or providing coverings for a broken tooth to prevent further decay. A crown may be recommended when a discolored or stained tooth needs to be restored to its natural appearance. Crowns can be formed of porcelain baked onto a metal foundation, all-porcelain, or a variety of newly invented ceramic materials.

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